Soul Quest

“There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own soul. We do not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”

C.G. Jung

What I Do & How

For you I am Gateway, Standing Stone and Gatekeeper
Together we travel
Through cosmos, through layers of shielding and locked gates
Opening, opening, opening
And vulnerable tears come
As heart ignites
And kundalini rises
And spirit dances itself into unity with Soul

Trauma can cause us to dissociate at a soul level; to come unplugged, to shut down or vacate but still, you instinctively sense a truer you, deep within that you canʼt seem to access.

This is your shadow self - not yet realised, made conscious, integrated. Your full potential sits in this deep magical cave within and sometimes in need of de-rubbling.

Work with me

Book a personal session

Begin or deepen your initiation into the fullness of all you came here to be. Explore and master your hidden self; transform trauma in the body; align your inner self to your outer self; develop intuition and inspiration; align the higher self to the lower self; connect to your Galactic roots and learn new ways of being as we navigate these quantum shifts into multi dimensional living. Learn what Love without need really is.

Shamanism is having a genuine respect for the sacredness of metaphysical forces existing in all natural beings and objects and the connection between the material world and spiritual plane.

“Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about unbecoming everything that isn’t you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.

Richard L. Alaniz, A Shaman’s Tale: Path to Spirit Consciousness

I work in a Shamanic way, harnessing and integrating all the hidden and visible aspects of self and putting human at the centre as architect.

Vibration attracts same or similar to it; perception creates reality; reality reveals the consequences of belief (karma). Our perceptions form our reality and everyone has them. We can stay fixed, rigid in our beliefs and values or we can open up to the challenge of change. If we are willing to experience life as a moving feast rather than a linear constant, sometimes in harvest, sometimes in fallow, we learn natures way; to flow and trust, to destroy and create, rather than push and strive. And if we apply this to life, sometimes we hurt and sometimes we laugh ourselves silly - and itʼs all life!

Some promptings:

  • I'm feeling the 'stretch' to be more and wanting to know where to begin

  • How do I fully realise and share my giftedness in the world?

  • How can I connect to what guides me?

  • How can I integrate and reconcile my inner conflicts?

  • I know I need to let go of this and that but I dread the loss of control

  • I feel empty

  • I'm confused and disoriented. What is mine and what am I picking up on empathically?

  • I'm struggling to manifest in the world - something seems to stop me

  • I need someone who knows exactly what they're doing with the darkest part of my soul

  • I want to bring my difference to the world but I fear the judgment of my 'weird'