Welcome, Iʼm Chrissy Sawyer.

The work I do in the world births itself from my inspiration. I am inspired by the wisdom of the Crone, by the courage to seek and quest and by the beauty to be found in all things. I am inspired by a seemingly infinite self, hidden in the ancient forests of the unconscious.

I am inspired by the hidden author who penned this quote:

“Nature is the only rendition of spirit that remains faithful to its source.”

I am inspired by Human as a living work of art, in harmony with its nature, soul and spirit. I am a deeply curious, abstract, auto didactic, fiercely loving, rebellious soul, creator of a unique therapeutic practice.

The Work

For 20 years, my work has evolved from a BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy) qualified therapist into soul path facilitation, shadow work and somatic healing and in the words of McCall Erickson…

“Soul work is not a high road
Itʼs a deep fall in to an unforgiving darkness
That wonʼt let you go until you find the song that sings you

The Soul Quest can be momentary; it can last for many years. Cycles within cycles and nature does not create in straight lines. My latest cycle has reconnected me with ancient lineage and given me access to deeply hidden memories. Following trails, trusting lessons, treating all on my path as teacher, moving through expansion and contraction cycles until a powerful Sovereign voice within makes itself heard.

A voice free from intellect can reshape the world.

Coming home to Soul is not an easy path.

One must track along heavy darkened trails where access will not be found via the already lit path of someone elseʼs dogma (karma). We each must light the path for ourself (dharma). Only through this process of individuation can we express in alignment with our Soul Essence.

Globally, we are accelerating the shift away from ancestral miasmic karma and more bravely towards our unique dharma. Humanity is going through quantum changes; changes that may trigger psychosis as our version of karmic ‘realityʼ is torn down.

Many different chariots, including but not limited to those listed here, have carried me along this circuitous and abstract path to become the creator of my own life, free from pathos.

  • The psyche; the shadow self; individuation; self determination. I have studied depth psychology and shadow work for the last 20 years and (like Jung) I will practice, journey and journal until spirit leaves my body. This forms the core of the client work I do in the world.

  • “Hermeticism is not something you choose, it is a destiny, just as the ecclesia spiritualis is not an organisation but an electio.” C.G. Jung | Letters Vol 1 Page 351. Studying Hermeticism gives me an understanding of the principles of creation. For instance Jung worked on the principle of the conflict between the ego/intellect mind and the spiritual mind. If we take the Hermetic Principle of Polarity, we learn that there are no two opposites that cannot be reconciled; no paradox that cannot be balanced. Here is where we transcend through a world of duality (one thing or another) and ascend into polarity (and both or all are true depending on perception and belief etc).

  • The abstract present behind the objective material curtain of reality. How the Soul perceives the world in its fundamental formats, behaviours, tinctures and ascetics.

  • All is hidden in number and nothing is just a coincidence. I studied with the Connaissance School of Numerology. Numerology is derived from our birth name and date of birth. It is a living breathing book; I can read the same chart 100 times and it will give me new learning every time!

  • The esoteric understanding of archetypes and their relation to one another through the journey of the Fool (Soul).

  • The esoteric understanding of archetypes and their influence on life. I have been studying my natal chart for years and, like numerology, it gives me new understandings to support my development.

  • Catabolic healing: metabolic change, releasing energy at a cellular level, causing the body to release and revitalise.

  • Here and now, as I write this content, I become aware of a sharp, electrical headache. I know I am connecting to source. Aether, the active intelligence that guides me, is leading me into my Akash where I retrieve ancient teachings and put form (words) to the unformed (psyche).

    After Iʼve completed this writing, I will pull the energy down through the material senses of air, water, fire and earth. I integrate these teachings and rebalance my Personal Pentagram.