Sedna in Gemini: Birthing a New Cycle 2024 - 2067

Welcome everyone.

As I write this, a day before the full moon in Sagittarius, I begin to get a deeper feel for Sedna’s involvement in the narrative of this gorgeous full moon, and an approaching cycle inviting us to tell the truth, to speak in clear terms and to ask “am I lying to you or to myself?” Also in the mix is that final anaretic 29th degree of Neptune in Pisces, bringing to a close the self sacrificing ‘martyrdom in the name of kindness’ of the Piscean Age.

Full Moon Chart Showing Sedna

Sedna (planet 90377, discovered in 2003) is a large, trans-neptunian object. She has just completed her 58 year journey through Taurus, where she’s been since 1966. Sedna has an 11,400 year orbit and was last in Gemini at the time of the most recent ice age. In this cycle she will travel through Gemini until 2067.

Sedna’s elliptical orbit is so elongated it traverses the whole of our solar system, going way beyond Pluto to reside in the frozen space of the Oort Cloud. Eerily, 9 years after her journey through Gemini (the 9 seeking to dissolve the experience into love/wisdom), Sedna will approach closest to the earth on 29 December, 2076.

Image: Scienceblogs

Image: Scienceblogs

Bridging Worlds

The Mythology

Sedna by Heather Ensworth

“Sedna is the story of that Inuit maiden who goes on a spiritual journey and experiences being taught by a raven, a shaman; her father comes to take her back to the village, take her back to the old ways, the paradigms of the past; she realises she’s on this journey of spiritual initiation and can’t go back home again.

Her father tries to force her into his boat to take her back to the village and then raven comes (the shaman) and sets off a storm in the sea. The father, terrified, throws Sedna overboard and tries to save himself and give her back to raven. Sedna tries to grab onto the boat to get back into the boat to safety and the father hits her hands, breaks her fingers and she watches them sink below the waves and dissolve and become the seals and the whales. Sedna realises she can’t cling to the boat; that these forms and structures of the past are not the path to security. She dives deep beneath the stormy waves, into the silence of the deep sea and dissolves, becoming the goddess of the sea; dissolving into the oneness of the sea and all that is.”

Sedna speaks to dissolving our attachment to identity and indeed to what we understand as our material world. She offers a loving hand from the depths of the cosmic ocean to any brave enough to seek their own song through the expression and alignment of Soul.

She guides us to let go of the boat and fall into the deep unknown waters of Sedna. To let go of the false promises of safety and security where we outsource our self reliance and to ask ourself the question ‘how safe and secure do I really feel in the world?’, to notice if our perception of safety and security are in any way conditional to a limiting social structure.  

Three of my favourite quotes spring to mind:

Sedna has guided me to journey and explore these themes: Intellect, Intelligence, Hippocampus, Amygdala and Corpus Callosum. 

Intellect/Intelligence: For ages I’ve been trying to determine the meaning of the words intellect and intelligence and what I’m finding is something divisive, confused or grandiose. I go to numerology and the difference between these two words is a 9 - Love/Wisdom, of course! Intellect gave me ‘lecture’ and ‘lectern’, a reasoned, logical place to preach from or the clever and knowing self. And I’m reminded that a traumatised child goes to intellectual processing to avoid the deep waters of their emotional experience; it’s how we disassociate. The 9 wants to dissolve the experience, to feel and digest it in every way so it can collapse it and learn from the wisdom of that experience. It’s the learning and the letting go without any of the cleverness or grandiosity of intellectual knowing.

Hippocampus/Amygdala: Briefly the Amygdala is responsible for emotional processing and the Hippocampus for memory. These two brain areas work together to translate our emotions into meaningful narrative along a perceived timeline. Trauma disturbs this flow.

Corpus Callosum: Is the fibre optic conduit which allows information to transmit from one side of the brain to the other.  It is also associated with memory and learning. And here I see Sedna reaching through to help us bridge into flow state.

We can see Sedna as a connecting transmitter between two separate circuits, or a band between two sets of cogs whose combined effort contributes to a third unique mechanism of action. Think of the twins of Gemini as brain hemispheres, or as two people in dialogue reaching a plane of understanding through “intercourse”, in the archaic sense of the word. Sedna’s long elliptic also speaks to learning through time, along the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of eclectic firsthand knowledge to deep study/intuitive wisdom. For a full cycle, she has held the lost lessons of the final days of Atlantis, a challenge with which humanity still contends.

Of course, Sedna also forges relationships between the personal and transpersonal (between the inner planets and outer planets) and between the transpersonal and galactic as she travels far beyond the perceived bounds of our solar system. Again, her closeness to Earth in the sign of Gemini evokes a mission of compelling humanity beyond its fleshly constraints and into the opposing space of Sagittarius, through the Golden Gate of the Gods in the constellation of Ophiuchus. Sedna represents the possibility of uniting perspectives higher and lower, paradoxes and all.

Putting these all together, remembering how trauma affects how we process our emotional story, a new emergence rises to the surface. 

Then, Merriam Webster brings me its word of the day!

MW takes me to another new word: Contronym. Examples: Sanction: permission to do something or a measure forbidding it to be done. Cleave can mean cut in half or stick together. A sanguine person is either hotheaded and bloodthirsty or calm and cheerful. Something that is fast is either stuck firmly or moving quickly.

My eyes pop open as I’m taken back to this card which appeared in my last video @ around 9 mins where I ask the question “disassociation from what” and oh, that dissolving 9 !! 

Sedna’s Numerology

Urge of Soul (US): 6 Harmonising polarity; finding balance in love/wisdom.

Personality (P): 10 Begin anew; birth the light. 

Overall Soul Expression (OSE): 16/7  Find the wisdom through introspection, intuition, intelligence, critical thinking and independent thought. These ingredients can cause a much needed tower moment as you courageously create a new recipe for truth and when we know  truth, free from illusion, we must pull down the tower of our own illusion and learn to swim against a blindly obedient tide. 

The 16/7 is about fusing light in ways that balance with the laws of nature and these new ways may shock, offend or disappoint others expectations of you. 

Sedna, like the ice, melts and like the ice, has memory.
You already know, deep within you, what you’re about to uncover.

Much Love and Wisdom,

Chrissy Sawyer and Christel LeBlanc



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