We do not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.

C. G. Jung

Welcome to Zeta Ophiuchi! Iʼm Chrissy Sawyer.

I work in a fully integrated way to help you balance your Personal Pentagram, your shadow and your light, your karma and your dharma as I support Zeta’s mission for you to “Remember Who You Are”. My work is fully supported by 20 years therapeutic experience.

Begin the work. Create the life you want to live.

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Begin or deepen your initiation into the fullness of all you came here to be. Explore, reveal and express your hidden self; transform trauma in the body; develop intuition and inspiration; align the higher self to the lower self; connect to your Galactic roots and learn new ways of being as we navigate these quantum shifts into multi dimensional living.

Who is Zeta Ophiuchi?

Priestess. Initiatrix. Gatekeeper. Guide.

Becoming fully conscious through the expression of soul is the process of individuation. Live the life you want to create rather than the life you were born into—from karma to dharma.

The Soul Quest 

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